Create an Assessment

Learn how to set up an assessment schedule. Then create and preview a basic assessment.

Test student understanding of new learning concepts with assessments. Let's create an assessment by:

  1. Adding an assessment schedule
  2. Creating assessment content

Add an assessment schedule

To create an assessment, go to Administration, the course, then the Assessments tab.

Click Add new and fill in the information. The required information you need to provide is:

  • Assessment title - Name for your assessment
  • Type - You can choose between assignments, self-tests, exams, and presentations
  • Publication date - When the students can view the assessment in a summary list of all assessments
  • Start Date - When students can access and start the assessment

There are many more options for assessments which we will cover in other tutorials.

For our example, let's set up a self-test. Self-tests are a great way to help reinforce learning concepts for students since they receive immediate feedback.

You can preview your assessment schedule and revise the schedule at a later time if necessary. The list of assessment is unpublished since the publish date is set in the future.

Now let's create some content for these assessments.

Create assessment content

In order to create the content for the assessment, open CREO.

Go to Create and click Assessment. Assign the assessment to your course, and give the assessment a name.

Once you click on the Create button, you see two tabs: Introduction and Questions.

Introduction tab

The Introduction tab is where you can include any basic information or rules for the students for the assessment. All fields are optional.

  • Welcome text - Informational text for the students
  • Rules - Rules or regulations the students should adhere to for the assessment
  • Authentication - N/A

Questions tab

The Questions tab is where you can create questions for the assessment.

The main toolbar is at the top of the screen. On the upper lefthand corner, you'll see the main functions for:

  • (+) - Add new questions
  • Cloud - Save your work to the cloud
  • Paper Airplane - Deploy your work

There is one question by default. Let's create a simple multiple choice question.

We expand the question field by clicking the arrow next to the text "Question 1". Note that you can edit the title of the question by clicking on it.

We write the Question, choose Selection for a multiple choice question, and add as many Choices as we want.

In our example, we will include four choices. The green checkmark signals which choice is the solution, and the red x signals incorrect choices.

Now that you have set up the question, you may want to test it. You can always click Preview in the upper righthand side of the question bar to see the student view of the question.

Give the question a try by submitting an answer. It's useful to see the grading based on how you set up the question.

Let’s make another question but this time a free response question. We can collapse the first question by clicking the arrow again. We add a new question with the (+) button.

This time let's make a free response question.

We'll fill in the question using the same question as the previous example. We will select the answer type as free response. Then set the condition so that the student's answer must be equal to 4 to be considered correct.

Be sure to save your work by clicking the cloud icon. Once you are finished with your assessment, deploy the finished assessment to SYLVA by clicking the airplane icon.

When you deploy the assessment, a proposal is created and ready to review in the browser.

When you accept the proposal at the bottom of the screen, it is published based on your assessment schedule.


We saw a quick overview of how to set up your assessment schedule for your course. Then we created an assessment in CREO. We provide a basic introduction to the assessment on the Introduction tab, and we add as many questions as we want on the Questions tab.