Create a Lecture

Learn how to set up a lecture schedule and create basic lecture content.

Set the foundation for your course by creating your lectures. Creating lectures is as easy as:

  1. Adding a lecture schedule
  2. Creating lecture content

Add a lecture schedule

Under Courseware, add your lecture schedule first by clicking Add new lecture.

There are fields to include the lecture name and set three dates:

  • Publication Date - When the students can view the lecture in a summary list of all lectures
  • Start Date - When students can open and access the lecture content
  • End Date - When a lecture is no longer accessible

These dates give you the flexibility to set up all your lectures in advance without revealing all of the material from the beginning of the course.

Add as many lectures as your course content requires. You can always add or remove lectures and revise the dates at a later time.

Lectures are listed as unpublished since the publish dates are set in the future.

Create lecture content

Now let’s create our content for the first lecture.

Open CREO. Go to Create, click Courseware, assign the lecture to your course, then give the file a name.

A basic template is already provided to help you get started.

The main toolbar is at the top of the screen. On the upper lefthand corner, you'll see the main functions for:

  • (+) - Add new cells using predefined styles
  • Cloud - Save your work to the cloud
  • Paper Airplane - Deploy your work
  • fx - Add formulas or edit the formatting

You can also switch between different modes of your work in slideshow mode, preview mode, and printout mode.

  • Working - Used for editing and creating
  • Slideshow - Preview the slideshow version used in the classroom
  • Reader - Preview the reader version useful for viewing all of the content at once
  • Printout - PDF preview of the lecture

The settings button is at the far righthand side of the main toolbar. By clicking the gear symbol, you can change the file name, view the file size, and more.

Take your time creating your own personalized lecture content.

Tip: Copy, paste, or delete cells by selecting the cell bracket on the righthand side. If you just click in the notebook and start to type, you'll also get a regular Mathematica input cell.

Remember to save your work at the end by clicking the cloud icon. Once you are finished with your lecture, deploy the courseware to SYLVA by clicking the paper airplane icon.

When you deploy, a preview of the lecture is opened in the browser. We call this a proposal so that you can preview the content before confirming the lecture for your course. This is helpful when collaborating with colleagues and to prevent making any mistakes in your lectures.

When you are happy with the lecture content, hit Accept this proposal at the bottom of the preview. It gets published based on your courseware schedule.


We saw how to set up our course schedule in the Courseware part of the Administration app. Then we created our very first lecture content by utilizing the predefined styles and features of the editor in CREO.